
Accepting that tranquility brings to man

Photo Credit: Lili Popper on Unsplash.

After the blog post “What will happen after graduation”, I thought things would develop differently. But of course, if you want to make god laugh, you have to tell him about your plans. This has inevitably happened in my life as well.

Maybe I can start with my graduation. First of all, I had to apply to the doctoral program four days after my graduation date at the latest. By forcing all the possibilities, I kept my calm in the face of the troubled attitudes of the student affairs and managed to officially graduate within the specified time. My previous foreign language score was not sufficient for the doctoral program. Then I took the foreign language exam given by the university and got the required score.

With the confidence of meeting all the conditions, I waited for the specified day for the application. Unfortunately, when the big day came, I ran into a frustrating problem. The incident actually resulted from the fact that the university did not provide sufficient information and I did not do anything extra because I met all the conditions. It is an interesting situation, but the university I graduated from accepted the foreign language exam given in the vocational school for the master’s programs, but the fact that it did not accept this exam for the doctoral program created a big problem. I could not apply to the doctoral program because my current accepted foreign language score was two and a half points missing. Ultimately, this meant that I would be officially out of academic work for at least six months. Of course, this was a sad and shocking situation for me and my family. However, I accepted everything. After this news I received in February, I regained my strength and started working. First of all, I started to study for the ALES exam, which I can describe as an entrance to the academy. At the same time, I increased the pace of study for YDS and YÖKDİL foreign language exams. I actually achieved the required scores in all these exams, and this time I decided to keep the job a little tighter.

Photo Credit: Cole Keister on Unsplash.
Photo Credit: Cole Keister on Unsplash.

In order not to fail in any interview exam, I applied to the doctoral programs of other universities and started to participate in interviews during the period until the interview of the university I graduated from, which is my main goal in this process. My main goal in this was to gain interview experience and to be able to answer all questions easily when the university I graduated from was interviewed and to reduce my excitement. Before attending my first interview, of course, I received another shocking news. The academician, who was my advisor during my master’s degree, resigned from his job at the university and started working in the private sector. Unfortunately, I have been able to confirm this in various ways and have not had the chance to actually meet with my advisor.

Unfortunately, my interview, which I attended in this spirit, was not successful and as a result, I was not accepted to the doctoral program because I failed in the interview. I think I applied to more than fifteen doctoral programs during this time. As I said, there can be a positive situation in every bad luck. The best thing that could happen in this process happened and I was accepted to a doctorate program in artificial intelligence technologies at a leading university in our country.

After so many negativities, I couldn’t even write the name of the university I won in my LinkedIn account before all the registration procedures were completed. I have completed my registration for now, the student number has been revealed. I even got the university’s edu e-mail address today.

A new city awaits me. I’m starting a new adventure. During this time since the last article, perhaps the issue that I was completely upset about was the part about my advisor. Like I said, a new city, a new adventure. New journeys, struggle, and finally a new challenge to succeed.

Despite all this, I accept all the difficulties and continue to follow the path drawn for me.